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Lovelife status?
07-03-2008, 11:51 PM
Post: #341
RE: Lovelife status?
yesshhhh have lotsa fun!!

ooh btw, on subject^^ I\'ve got a boyfriend, yay Tongue We\'ve met at a picknick of a friend (for her bday) aaaand well, I saw him looking at me, and I looked at him when he wasn\'t looking (ofcourse).

At the end he asked for my email (and another girl\'s, but that didn\'t turn out the sameTongue) and I gave it. On msn he said he thought I couldn\'t stand him, but then I said that I don\'t really know how to act around guys who are \"interesting\" XD.

So we met tuesday last week, the second time we saw eachother, aaand, suprisingly, we even kissed that day ^^ (not something I ordinarily doTongue but then again, he gave me my first \'real\' kissTongue) and well.. it\'s been fun ever sinceTongue

So, I\'m happyTongue He\'s happySmile And jognt is kind of overprotective ^^, but that\'s just sweet of him Tongue

soooo that\'s new with meTongue
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07-13-2008, 01:46 AM
Post: #342
RE: Lovelife status?
auick update, Im still in Hungary, really happy and all that soppy love stuff Tongue
not online much at all... and we went to see ministry ttogether, great show Smile

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07-13-2008, 03:42 AM
Post: #343
RE: Lovelife status?
Sounds like a good time Al! Enjoy!

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07-13-2008, 03:54 AM
Post: #344
RE: Lovelife status?
aw cute ministry is such romantic music
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07-15-2008, 09:27 AM
Post: #345
RE: Lovelife status?
Well, I figure it\'s time for a clean slate. I was growing bored with school, so I sort of left.

Unfortunately, I left behind a girl I was trying to get. But me leaving seems to have pissed her off, so that might be shot.

Anyway, I\'m enjoying my life immensely. I haven\'t even met a girl yet, though.
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07-15-2008, 10:22 AM
Post: #346
RE: Lovelife status?
So you dropped out of ROTC?

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07-17-2008, 06:19 AM
Post: #347
RE: Lovelife status?
I was never in ROTC. However joining the military is still an option. Probably the construction battalion with the Navy.
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07-17-2008, 04:09 PM
Post: #348
RE: Lovelife status?
Hm, I could have sworn you said you were. Oh well, that\'s what age does!

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08-13-2008, 11:52 AM
Post: #349
RE: Lovelife status?
at the end of next week i\'ll be moving to Hungary.
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08-13-2008, 04:37 PM
Post: #350
RE: Lovelife status?
So, it turned out good, yes?

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