This is where you can voice your suggestions for the Site. If they will be implemented or not is up to Jonathan, what he has time for and what he deems worthy of his time.
Thanks guys.
a complete n00bs guide to mapping would be cool imo
Don\'t spam it up please :\\
A guide telling people how they can help i repeat HELP the TTR community or whatever.
I was promised a huge media update at the launch of the new site. Where is it? It\'s cool if it\'s coming later. I was just curious.
i think better support for fire fox should be implemented.
not everyone uses opera, no mater how good it is.
could we run a poll maybe on the main page?
what do you use:
Well, it was dev\'ed on Opera, so its only fair that it gets the most support on release. I\'m pretty sure spunge\'ll be beefing up the support on other browsers as the site develops more.
As for the media: relax, its coming

there\'s a bit more loose ends to tie up(have to hit up some peeps for the finished renders, etc

Also: a guide to mapping WOULD be a pretty nice addition, and wouldnt be all that hard to write(it\'s easy as pie to map in torque

if spunge had his way you\'d only be aloud to use opera to view it.....
but as per usual I say to him FireFox pwns you and your poncy named browser... at least mines named after a kick ass fictional fighter

Im going to make sure documentation for community development is complete and full at the very first release