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Goob can\'t take it.
08-22-2005, 09:33 AM
Post: #1
Goob can\'t take it.
I just got back from a 10 day holiday with my girlfriend and my parents.. Spending that much time with my girlfriend almost constantly was wonderful, but it seems as soon as she left everything crumbled around me...My dad started bitching at me for HIM not being clearing about what he wanted, I had borrowed 25 dollars from him and I was going to give it back to him I just forgot but he says he asked me for it 4 times, though the way he \"asked\" was by saying \"Do you still have that money I gave you?\" I barely find that to be asking for something.. He didn\'t even ask me for it when my wallet was right beside me, he always does things so stupidly and then bitches at me as if I needed to learn a lesson..

My girlfriend and I had sex in our resort room while we were there, it was a decision both here and I made before going on holidays and we both wanted to do it (No bitching at me for that). I told my mom and she was completely okay with it and was even slightly proud of me for doing it safely and smart, but as soon as my girlfriend told her mom she freaked, my girlfriends mother has no understanding of what my girlfriend and I have together, and she definitely wouldn\'t understand that my girlfriend and I want to spend the rest of our lives together..... I am rather frightened as to what my girlfriends mother is going to do, as in forbid my girlfriend to see me (Though it wouldn\'t work)..

I love my girlfriend with all of my heart, and her and I love eachother so much. It\'s hard to believe that at 15, 2 people can be so sure they want to spend the rest of their lives together and can love eachother so much.. But it\'s really hard when people don\'t understand and keep hurting my girlfriend by saying things like \"It can\'t possibly last.\" and stupid shit like that. It pisses me off when people do that, why can\'t people just let us live our lives together? Are people so fucking blind that they can\'t see that anything is possible?

It\'s hell without my girlfriend being beside me, especially when my parents start bitching at me.. Sometimes I just wish my girlfriend and I could be older, so we could move in together and be happy without other people constantly interfering.. I\'m sick and tired of people who are \"happy\" for you but at the same time seem to want you to fail miserably.. I just can\'t take being 15 anymore, I know you guys have told me to enjoy my youth while it lasts but I would rather be grown up and pay bills, pay rent, have a job, be doing something with my life, and be spending my life with the person I love. But I still have 3 fucking years to go, 3 fucking years until I am free of my parents house, 3 fucking years until I move in with my girlfriend.. 3 years of seeing my girlfriend only once a week most of the time...

I doubt my girlfriends parents will ever let her go anywhere with me again, they didn\'t want her to go but they let her decide. That was even after they said they wouldn\'t let her sleep over at my house, yet they let her go 1000 kM away with me where they had no influence... Life\'s tough and I\'m getting sick of it, I hate not being with my girlfriend more often and I probably won\'t be able to be with her more often until her parents calm down... Yay for the life stories of Goob...

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08-22-2005, 10:31 AM
Post: #2
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
Man, that\'s harsh.
But it\'s pretty well a fact that once you arent in vacation land anymore, you realize that normal life sucks alot more than the vacation(except for the vacations i take, sadly enough)

Doesnt look like you can do much about your GF and your\'s situation till her parents calm down, so you\'re kinda stuck waiting that one out Confused
Just stay as tolerant as possible with everyone(though i know for a fact that can get very, very hard, really quick) and the situation should smooth over.

I also have to agree that it gets highly frustrating that people look down on us because we\'re younger than them. Like you and your gf \"not lasting\" garbage, and alot of things i do, like my coding, some people are so skeptical that younger people \"dont know what they want\" that they must decide it. Sadly, oftentimes that\'s true, hence the sterotype, but that\'s not always the case, and if it isnt, it gets very aggravating.

But you have that point to look foreward to, where you 2 are out on your own, and that\'s a awsome thing to look foreward to Smile
(all i have is making uber games currently Wink )

So try to keep yer chin up, dont let them get you down, and for danged sure, prove them wrong that your more responsible than they all think, that\'s the fastest way to earn respect Smile

If you wanna talk more, i havent gotten rid of my MSN yet Wink
So if ya wanna rant more, lay it on me, i dont mind

-Reno out
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08-22-2005, 11:20 AM
Post: #3
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
This is why I carefully avoid telling people how old I am until they have grown accustom to the fact that I\'m not an idiot. That generally gets the point through that though someone may be younger, that does not make them any less wise. Of course, it only really works on the internet, but since I generally lack a life where age makes much of a difference offline, I live with it.
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08-22-2005, 11:41 AM
Post: #4
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
Everyone goes through their childhood hating what their parents are doing to them. It\'s just what happens. But 10 years from now, you\'ll look back and think that your parents weren\'t actually that bad.

Also, don\'t forget that your parents (and her parents) got to where they are because they lived life. They\'ve been in the exact same situation you are in now. They\'ve had relationships when they were pretty young too. How you act is based off of your past experiences. Your parents see you doing things they\'ve done and tell you how they expect it to end. That\'s not unreasonable of them.

It\'s also not unreasonable of them to still see you as children. They\'ve been there to watch you grow. They don\'t want to let go of their children. They especially don\'t want to see them grow up and not need them. This is probably what your girlfriend\'s mom is freaking about.

Hell, I\'m a few months off of drinking and my mother still gets really worried about me. She damn near shat herself when I told her I caught hypothermia at a regatta this past spring.

Quote:Sometimes I just wish my girlfriend and I could be older, so we could move in together and be happy without other people constantly interfering.. I\'m sick and tired of people who are \"happy\" for you but at the same time seem to want you to fail miserably.. I just can\'t take being 15 anymore, I know you guys have told me to enjoy my youth while it lasts but I would rather be grown up and pay bills, pay rent, have a job, be doing something with my life, and be spending my life with the person I love.

So just do it. There\'s really nothing out there to stop you. Get an apartment together, both of you get a job and live together in that apartment for the rest of your life.

But realize that it is your parents who are setting up a comfortable life for you. It is your parents who are getting you into college. It is your parents who make sure your life doesn\'t suck.

So the only thing I can tell you to do is to either move in with each other and start a life, or stop bitching.
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08-22-2005, 02:01 PM
Post: #5
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
I know how you must feel Goob buddy...

Claire a I still love each other, but we are both going our seperat ways. I intent to hurry up and move to Canada, while She is contuinuing school in southern France.
I just hope I can somehow get a good job a nd end up becoming a citizen in Canada... Not to obvious that.

As for Claire, well, I hope I get over her, I think she has still much growing up to do, and that even if we did get back together one day, we would probably end up hurt again.
So as I just say, I shall never break up with Claire again. Anyway, Canada is full of nice canadien chicks right? Someone who might appreciate me forever?
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08-23-2005, 04:45 AM
Post: #6
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
Quote:Anyway, Canada is full of nice canadien chicks right?

ANd a few american ones too. Smile
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08-23-2005, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2005 06:41 PM by ElvenKind.)
Post: #7
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
Goob, I know it sucks to only see your girlfriend once a week. I lived like that for almost five years. Now, finally, my GF has finished her studies and has moved in with me. Much better, less stressfull and my weekends are finally free for me and my friends.

Just a couple of small things to remember :
1. Moving in together changes a LOT of things. All the small nicks and nacks you didn\'t know about sees the light. You WILL dislike some of them. In short, moving in together is one of the really BIG tests. Just trust me on that one.

2. Sometimes decisions parents make for us when we\'re young don\'t seem like the right things to do. Not even close. But I promise you that they only have your/her best interest in mind, and as long as you are underage (even after you\'ve turned 18.) you need to respect that. Once you have kids, you will have the same dilemmas first hand and the decisions *you* make will probably be just as popular.

3. There is a saying : \"Girls come and go, but friends stay forever.\" Keep that in mind and make sure you nurse your friendships aswell. I have seen too many friends alienated because they simply stay out of touch due to some girl-o-mania. By this I don\'t mean that your relationship won\'t last - as noone knows the answer to that one - but simply to relish your \"other\" friends aswell. They are and will prove to be important at some point or another no matter how your lovelife evolves.

4. Take it easy. Life is not a contest - contrary to popular belief. Moving in together and having kids etc will come eventually. There is no need to buy the family van just yet. And taking things as they come is a skill that will provide you with fewer ulcers and headaches. Besides, everything will be that much sweeter once you get it.

Ok. Enough from me. I\'ll go climb back down into the basement now. Smile
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08-23-2005, 11:11 PM
Post: #8
RE: RE: Goob can\'t take it.
The_Punisher Wrote:
Quote:Anyway, Canada is full of nice canadien chicks right?

ANd a few american ones too. Smile

So canada isnt america anymore?

Goob her mom is just worried. I can understand it because most people who are 15 dont love each other for a long time. That isnt a thing you find often at that age. You\'ll just need to talk to her why? and how can i convince you that this is true?
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08-24-2005, 01:26 AM
Post: #9
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
try and convince her mum that sex with you is good and healthy Wink

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08-24-2005, 02:08 AM
Post: #10
RE: Goob can\'t take it.
He\'s trying to keep seeing her Al, not get shot.
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