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forum question - Delirium_ - 06-09-2005 08:02 PM


I have some questions about a forum like this one.
I need a forum for my mod \"all out fairy tale\" which is going to come out of it\'s slumber quite soon but I don\'t know what to take.

I don\'t want to pay so I considered MyBBoard (like this one) or PHPBBoard (like my previous).
The quarrel i have with phpbb is that it\'s easily hackable and I had a nasty invasion of russian spam whatevers on my previous forum.
mybboard looks good but all the modification sites i seem to find are down

My question now is which one to take and which kind of mods are crucial for a forum and most of all which mods are good... I need some mods already: calender, rules, ... any nifty features are welcome.

Id appreciate it if you could help with your insight and tips about this. ASAP Tongue


RE: forum question - SoulSurfer - 06-09-2005 10:21 PM

no idea about mod\'ing the forum, just dont choose phpbb2 its still full of holes

RE: forum question - SoulSurfer - 06-09-2005 10:24 PM

which reminds me again, one of my lectures put a phpbb2 (very old version) on his part of the university server, i keep meaning to warn the admins but i secretly hope a script kidding will take the university network down through it...(does that make me a bad man? Tongue)

RE: forum question - Delirium_ - 06-09-2005 10:33 PM

spunge where are youuuuuuu, gimme this forum!! ill customise Tongue

RE: forum question - Jackeh - 06-09-2005 10:45 PM



this one Wink its the one i use, is very good Big Grin it has alot of good features with it.. including calender.. and its very easy to add mods to

RE: RE: forum question - shift - 06-10-2005 02:23 AM

Delirium_ Wrote:spunge where are youuuuuuu, gimme this forum!! ill customise Tongue

Ah, if you\'ve already decided then it\'s an easy catch.
Just look at the bottom of any page around here and you\'ll find the name of the forum used and a link to their site, where you can download it.

Anyway, the link is: http://www.mybboard.com/

RE: forum question - Delirium_ - 06-10-2005 02:27 AM

I quote myself O_o :
Quote:mybboard looks good but all the modification sites i seem to find are down

I\'m too impatient for this kind of stuff LOL

RE: forum question - shift - 06-10-2005 03:16 AM

Wops. Overlooked it.
K, then. Forget about it.