in the true tradition of time and space, joggo is now one year older!
Hippo bathday ya big hippy
happy b-day dot using barwhore!
thank you ^^
21 years old... omg... it seems that from 18 years old you have to learn to behave responsibly...
and when you turn 21, you have to behave that way o_O to bad no-one told me ^^
tomcat ha Wrote:happy b-day dot using barwhore!
:tup: still me lol

Congrats indeed.
Crap man, I thought I was older than you

thanks for the congrats ^^
Reno Wrote:Congrats indeed.
Crap man, I thought I was older than you 
I really don\'t know wether to take that as a compliment or in another way lol

happy birthday dear brotheeerrrrrr!!!!
shame on me for posting so late lol^^