[ghc]Games Forums

Full Version: help me
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i need help what kind of game is this a text????? plz help!!!!!!:?
um never mind i reilized i already have this mod for ut well thx anywayz
Big Grin
na, these are just forums, every game has to have forums where the players meet up and piss about...

Though, these days we are mostly just waiting around for the mods to make us a FREE sequel, completely stand alone too.

any chance of seeing you ingame on the old version? we\'d all love to have some more regulars!
I roll the dice. I roll a 19. My shot was successful...

Big Al is bleeding from my garand.

I roll again, I roll an 8. I am almost behind cover. I reload my garand.
i role a 2, i die from the bleeding. miss a turn.
i roll a 25

I get a redeemer

i roll a 1

I blow myself up and the rest of the team making us lose the round
i roll a 666. i am death incarnate.

Online forum-roleplaying is lame.

p.s. I can see this getting REALLY old REALLY fast.
isoFlux Wrote:i roll a 666. i am death incarnate.

:eek: cheater!!! you can\'t role that high on 2D6!!!

I vote kickban!!!

* tomcat ha rolls a 10

one vote added to kick ban
I roll on the floor and laugh.
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