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Just had some UBER REVELUTIONARY ideas TongueTongue

I got this brilliant inspiration from the wildlife in the original UT TTR maps. some people enjoyed shooting the birds in St Lo, or standing on the rats in the guns of navarone. ...but there the wildlife did not react to player movement or actions. I see cute wildlife as a possible & fun feature for the new ttr... adding some extra dept to sneaking around.

First: the rabbit hole Wink

ok, so the idea is one that could be included into any countryside style map. when no one is around, a cute little rabbit ventures out of a small hole on the ground aboungst the bushes. however, the rabbit gets scared easy, so if it sees any one, it will dart back into safety, until the danger has gone.
Of core, this means that a sniper could use the bunny to see if any one is coming.. it sees the rabbit get shot or run into it\'s hole, the sniper knows someone is nearby that area?

this one: Snake in the grass Smile

how about a snake in the new indigrass? of course snakes are scared of humans.. but if a snipe were to go prone while being right on top of one?? that snake might attack? might not be a very powerful bite? but could injure the player?

and: the birds :eek:

once again in long grass, a player creeps along, then suddenly lots of birdies get scared and fly out of the grass, giving the players position away. the birds then settle on a nearby tree... and get scared but another player so they settle elsewhere.

last: prey? Big Grin

so mice like to run around and party too? just like the rabbits... yeah they get scared, but maybe a big bird or a cat is hunting them? obviously the player can save the mouse, but the mouse will never show it\'s thanks. Would be fun though... a pussy cat chasing a mouse? or a hawk swooping down off a tree to catch a mouse?
something like a cat running after a mouse in indigrass might make the grass move too, distracting a player?

^how\'s that for a long post Wink
That sooo reminds me of Z (Old strategy game) where the soldiers if idle blow up the creatures around them, smoke cigars and be bored.

You can carry on with the thread now Big Grin
I don\'t care about animals in game.
Yeah, we already have Gego. Who needs more? Tongue
Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 3...

i only like the rabbit hole idea, and also the rabbits would respawn probably..which is good heh
I\'m going to be the first one to form TTR PETA.
shift Wrote:Yeah, we already have Gego. Who needs more? Tongue

Aliens are not animalsTongue
Well, we\'ve talked about doing wildlife AI, and while not on rabbits or snakes, we had talked about birds(for exactly the reason you described), as well as dogs, cows etc.
Walking into or past someone\'s yard, and having the dog go into a barking fit is an easy way to ruin the element of suprise.
Same goes for cows, though you could also potentailly cap a cow and use it as cover should the need arise.

So yeah, we\'re looking at it, though debating how far to take it hehehe Wink
Reno Wrote:Well, we\'ve talked about doing wildlife AI, and while not on rabbits or snakes, we had talked about birds(for exactly the reason you described), as well as dogs, cows etc.
Walking into or past someone\'s yard, and having the dog go into a barking fit is an easy way to ruin the element of suprise.
Same goes for cows, though you could also potentailly cap a cow and use it as cover should the need arise.

So yeah, we\'re looking at it, though debating how far to take it hehehe Wink
I love the bird thingy, BF2 and Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood feature this.

And I heard H&D2 too, but I never noticed it really... Tongue

Atm, in 1944 D-Day there are planning to add a broad scale of wildlife including wild rabbits, hares, cows, deers, roes, horses, etc (you name it).

They won\'t only add a bit of gameplay, but it fills up the simulator function.
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