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Full Version: Crazy Korean Snowmen
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Pages: 1 2
Koeran Marines on \"Snow Training\". Quite teh funneh imho.
[Image: korea.jpg]

[Image: korea2.jpg]

[Image: korea1.jpg]

[Image: korea4.jpg]

[Image: korea3.jpg]

[Image: korea5.jpg]

[Image: korea6.jpg]
AWESOME!!! Big Grin
Looks like they\'re having the time of their lives Tongue
They are having way too much fun imho Big Grin They\'re soldiers for crying out loud! :rofl:
lol class Tongue
i want what their smoking
I think we all do Izzy Big Grin
LOL cool
good find!

are they the south corean army?
We people in Canada do this everyday as a ritual of some sort Tongue
It doesnt stop snowing here. Smile
:con: Crazy koreans...... :rofl:
Pages: 1 2
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