The M1A1 Thompson has been put up on the site. Same sort of description as with the Garand.
You can find it in the GamePlay Section[/url], under Gear & Equipment.
Nice one, Elven :tup:
Any chances to have all that measures (length, etc) in the Metric System too?
There seems to be a problem with the small rotating image, the large one is ok though.
I can\'t quite figure out the amount of mag\'s it takes.
I\'ve heard conflicting reports. It either has 8, 20 round magazines. Or 5, 30 round magazines. The 20 round mag\'s seems more likely, at least for paratroopers and general army.

:tup: Good work TTR dudes!
Very nice work, can\'t wait to see the first german weapons

Alright, but why not put this in big bold letters on the homepage? If there\'s no link (at the very least) from the homepage, passers-by might miss this! :\\
Everest, seriously man... don\'t start pushing it. Please?
Hey I\'m not dissing the media okay, please don\'t get me wrong

I just think that these things should be advertised a little better, no? Just an honest concern

But it\'s probably none of my business, you guys know it best :tup: (And no that\'s not sarcasm or whatever. I\'m not starting a fuss here, please don\'t start it for me
