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This is a very fun game based on the torque engine, the same as TTR is going to use.
The game is nothing but breeding yourself a group AI for your own small army.
When you start out training, your army has an IQ, but no knowledge to apply it on, much like toddlers.
You give reward and punishment stats to reward and punish certain behaviour, and the smart, but ignorant soldiers just run around, try a bit of everything, and learn whats right and whats wrong...

Once your army satisfies you, you can battle other saved armies and battle online etc.

Anyway, I don\'t know if its free or not, I got it from a CD of a PC magazine my dad is subscribed to. They\'re flatout the most proffessional mag in Belgium and they\'ve had some non-free programs for free on their CD\'s in the past. (offcourse with permission of the software makers)

Anyone else tried the game? What\'re your thoughts?
A link would be nice...
I read about that a while ago. Sounded pretty spiffy. At the time I already had my own AI system in development (incidentally, it\'s still around the same state as it was then). Accursed side projects!

Anyhow, ya, lots of good theory behind that little game. It\'s a pretty neat approach to AI. Of course, I prefer my approach, but that\'s just me being egotistical. And it would really help if I could qualify such opinions by having written some of the core AI logic.
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