09-23-2005, 08:25 PM
During the development of TTR : Hell in Huertgen, we will release interviews of the members of the team on a regular basis. Every member will at one point be interviewed and the interview put up for you, the community, to see. You will also be given the oportunity to ask your own questions in the interview thread. Once everyone has been interviewed, we will concentrate the interviews where the news are.
There will also be a series of \"TTR Developer Presentations\" where I interview the rest of the developers on a more personal level, separated from the TTR environment. Where they are from, how they ended up working on TTR and so on.
First one of the developers to be interviewed is Spunge. Expect to see his first interview here early next week.
Rules for Interview Threads
1. Community Members can ask relevant questions to the interview subject. Only the interview subject will answer the questions.
2. Stay on topic and don\'t ask questions not related to the interview as they won\'t be answered.
3. Keep a civil tone in these threads. Our moderators will delete spam and offtopicness as they see fit.
There will also be a series of \"TTR Developer Presentations\" where I interview the rest of the developers on a more personal level, separated from the TTR environment. Where they are from, how they ended up working on TTR and so on.
First one of the developers to be interviewed is Spunge. Expect to see his first interview here early next week.
Rules for Interview Threads
1. Community Members can ask relevant questions to the interview subject. Only the interview subject will answer the questions.
2. Stay on topic and don\'t ask questions not related to the interview as they won\'t be answered.
3. Keep a civil tone in these threads. Our moderators will delete spam and offtopicness as they see fit.