I was bored, so i reinstalled UT, just to kill some time. I was looking for some good mods and found TTR. From what i played its great. I just upgraded it to 1.3, but theres a little problem.....When i aim i can see through half the gun! The ones most glitchy are the Bar and the Thompson. I was wondering is there a fix for this??? I checked most of the Support threads, but found nothing about this. Is it only me? :?
Well, what kind of computer are you running TTR on, and what Operating System? And also, which Video Settings are you using(Open GL, direct 3d, etc...)?
is this occuring when going into \'partial zoom mode\'? or when you simply click the \'aim\' button.
if its the partial zoom: it is likely an issue with the way we went about adding partial zoom, though i havent seen an issues with it myself.
if its normal aim, it is something else, though i wouldnt know off the top of my head.
also, could you post a pic?
i ahve an idea of what you\'re talking about but i want to know for sure.
Im running TTR on a G4 macintosh on OS 9.2 and im using the RAVE video driver at 800x600 res. I tried each Res setting, but it doesnt make a difference. Its when i use the \'aim\' button and it happens with every weapon with the exception of the both pistols and both sniper rifles. It doesnt effect game play, but it does spoil the otherwise *superb* realism. I have a few other mods installed, so they might be the problem. I suppose a re-instalation would be my best bet?
its an old known mac bug, i used to use it to look down stairs while aiming forward

honestly though i cant remember if there is a fix or not...
There\'s no fix AFAIK... live with it, it\'s actually a cunning little cheat!
That would appear to be an issue with the camera cutting into the gun....
but ya, afaik i dont think there\'s a fix. :/
Yeah, it\'s a Mac problem, you will also have it in X.
Unless you get a 3Dfx card, and run in GLide, then you will be styling!
Actually, there is a fix. I had this problem too. You need to switch your rendering manually to OpenGL. I remember on the old forums there was a stickey on Dijon\'s thread with a lot of TTR mac fixes. Sadly, I don\'t think anyone saved it.
Think again! I don\'t know if I got that part though.
this is it.