[ghc]Games Forums

Full Version: Hey guys!
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Hey guys,

what\'s up?! I finally found the forum!

So how have you all been and what have you been doing lately?

What\'s up Meng?!

You stumbled upon the forum just in time for the server this coming weekend!

Be there or be square! And tell your brother too!

Welcome back and don\'t leave us this timeSmile
Heya Smile
hey hey, be there this weekend indeed Tongue
Yeah I saw the notice on my Hyvespage!

I\'m fine thanks, just started a new study so havin lotsa fun Tongue

I hope I can make it tomorrow! If the standalone even works on mac.. since that\'s the only system I have atm! I\'ve got a birthday (neighbours) so I\'ll let you know tomorrow Smile

And I just texted my bro Wink
thanks for the heads-up by the way :-)
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