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I recently started learning PHP, so I\'m what you could call a big n00b at it still. Nonetheless , I\'m trying to create something...

What I want to achieve:
I want to have a script with 4 upload fields & 1 submit button to simultaniously upload 4 images to a folder somewhere on the server. - Done, no problem

But I also need the filename of each image to be stored in the database in a different row, under the same ID - Not done, and my big problem

(see image below for some more clarification)
[Image: images_table.gif]

Some extra info:
Let\'s assume our files are image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg & image4.jpg

The script uploads the files and inserts their filename in the database, but it inserts:

- image1.jpg under row image0 in id 4
- image2.jpg under row image1 in id 5
- image3.jpg under row image2 in id 6
- image4.jpg under row image3 in id 7

(see image below for some more clarification)
[Image: images_table2.gif]

This is what I have for my database, I fear the problem may lie here?
  id tinyint (4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  image0 varchar (250) NOT NULL default \'\',
  image1 varchar (250) NOT NULL default \'\',
  image2 varchar (250) NOT NULL default \'\',
  image3 varchar (250) NOT NULL default \'\',
  UNIQUE id (id)

INSERT INTO test VALUES (2,\'yarr0.jpg\',\'yarr1.jpg\',\'yarr2.jpg\',\'yarr3.jpg\');
INSERT INTO test VALUES (3,\'yii0.jpg\',\'yii1.jpg\',\'yii2.jpg\',\'yii3.jpg\');

This is my php code so far


<?php require (\'config.php\'); // data to connect to the DB ?>

    echo \"<form name=\\\"image_upload\\\" enctype=\\\"multipart/form-data\\\" method=\\\"post\\\" action=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";

    $fields = 4; // number of upload fields
    for($x=0;$x<$fields;$x++){ // start of dynamic form (loop)
        echo \"<input name=\\\"image$x\\\" size=\\\"50\\\" type=\\\"file\\\" id=\\\"image$x\\\"><br>\\n\";

    } // end for loop to create 4 input fields
        echo \"<input type=\\\"submit\\\" name=\\\"submit\\\" value=\\\"Verstuur\\\">\\n\";
        echo \"</form>\";

if($_POST[\'submit\']) { // form has been submitted
    for($x=0;$x<$fields;$x++){ // start for loop
    $file_name = $_FILES[\'image\'. $x][\'name\'];
    $uploads = \'upload\'; // directory to upload to
    $copy = copy($_FILES[\'image\'. $x][\'tmp_name\'],$uploads.\'/\'.$file_name);
        if($copy) { // check if successfuly copied
            $sql = \"INSERT INTO test (image$x) VALUES (\'$file_name\')\";    
            $result = mysql_query($sql); // run SQL query against DB
            echo \"$file_name | uploaded successfuly!<br>\\n\";
            echo \"$file_name | could not be uploaded!<br>\\n\";
    } // end for loop
} // end of submit statement



I know there\'s no virtually no validation yet, but my first priority is to get it to work. If there\'s anyone that can help me, please have a look because I\'m in dire need of this script!

Thanks in advance.
Spunge = Ownage.

I can\'t help you, but I do like multiple image uploaders.

<?php require (\'config.php\'); // data to connect to the DB ?>

    echo \"<form name=\\\"image_upload\\\" enctype=\\\"multipart/form-data\\\" method=\\\"post\\\" action=\\\"$PHP_SELF\\\">\\n\";

    $fields = 4; // number of upload fields

    for($x=0;$x<$fields;$x++){ // start of dynamic form (loop)
        echo \"<input name=\\\"image$x\\\" size=\\\"50\\\" type=\\\"file\\\" id=\\\"image$x\\\"><br>\\n\";

    } // end for loop to create 4 input fields
        echo \"<input type=\\\"submit\\\" name=\\\"submit\\\" value=\\\"Verstuur\\\">\\n\";
        echo \"</form>\";

if($_POST[\'submit\']) { // form has been submitted

        $num = \'0\';
        $sql = \"SELECT * from `test`\";
        $sql_result = mysql_query($sql) or die(\"Couldn\'t execute query.\");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
          $id = $row[\"id\"];
if ($id > $num) {
$num == $id;
        $sql = \"INSERT INTO test (id) values (\'$num\');
        $result = mysql_query($sql);

    for($x=0;$x<$fields;$x++){ // start for loop

    $file_name = $_FILES[\'image\'. $x][\'name\'];
    $uploads = \'upload\'; // directory to upload to
    $copy = copy($_FILES[\'image\'. $x][\'tmp_name\'],$uploads.\'/\'.$file_name);

        if($copy) { // check if successfuly copied
$file = \'image$x\';
            $sql = \"
       UPDATE `test`
       SET `$file` = \'$file_name\'
       WHERE `id` = \'$num\'
            $result = mysql_query($sql); // run SQL query against DB
            echo \"$file_name | uploaded successfuly!<br>\\n\";

            echo \"$file_name | could not be uploaded!<br>\\n\";

    } // end for loop

} // end of submit statement



try something like that, i havnt tested it and its just off the top of my head really, but its a basic idea.. or something:\\
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